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We Will Miss you Ariella Newheart and Mr. Angleheart

Today, Mr. Angleheart, also known as Mr_T2, has announced he may never come back to the Aetherlight. About a week ago, Ariella Newheart has announced she is leaving for a very long time. I know this was a while ago but Coop Blimpenny has left. These people have meant a lot to us, and especially to me. Now I haven’t used the forums that long, but the time I was there, they helped me a lot. Anakin Steamwalker may or may not be gone.

Ariella Newheart


She was the main meetings organizer, organizing one every week and making sure she could come to it. Yesterday/Saturday, the last meeting she organized, she managed to come to it. She said she might not be able to make it, because she officially announced she was leaving a week before. She also was a great writer, and she even created a new account for it! But she had stop writing in order to do this. She is starting her first year in public school and announced she wants to do good for school. The forums have been stopping her from studying and she decided to stop. Thank you Ariella. You have helped me make more (kinda) friends. I really needed that. I’m serious.

Mr. Angleheart


He has made a greater impact on me more than the forums. I kinda saw the forums, back when I didn’t know it was official Aetherlight. When I joined, he was the only one I have ever seen in-game, which made me feel more like friends. He helped me find the suit I wear everyday, he came on whenever I wanted someone to go on. He really made me feel included. He said, “Guys I won’t be coming back on here. I already deleted The Aetherlight: Chronicles of the Resistance. I will not be on Christward, I left that without telling anybody.” For the full message, check the forums. The point is, this was so unexpected. He announced this about an hour before he left. Now I know his sister Trinity Candlespeaker is also leaving, but that’s just for the school year. Thank you Mr. Angleheart. You have helped me and you don’t even know it.

Coop Blimpenny


He was the latest Staff Moderator and the support person for The Aetherlight team. He has made sure that he helps us in anyway he can. He retired from the Aetherlight July 5. Now, on the forums, that day is known as Coop Blimpenny day. Thank you Coop Blimpenny. You have helped us in many ways.

Now I know I didn’t include Anakin but he may still be active, we just don’t know it. If you know anyone else who has left, please tell me in the comments, and I’ll include them. Darth Crinklegadget out.

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